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Supporting Eastern Christians

Today more than ever their future depends on our support. Let’s help Eastern Christians in the Middle East to remain in their homelands.”

Mgr Pascal Gollnisch, Directeur General of l’Œuvre d’Orient


L’Œuvre d’Orient

French charity supporting Eastern Churches


For more than 160 years, l’Œuvre d’Orient has dedicated its work to Eastern Christians in 23 countries in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, Eastern Europe and India.

Both in times of war and peace, it supports the action of patriarchs, bishops, priests and religious congregations who intervene with all populations, regardless of their religion.

Eastern Christians for Peace


It is essential for Eastern Christians to be able to stay in their homelands where they have lived for 2000 years. Through their commitment, they are the vehicles of peace in contexts where there is a broad religious, political and social mix.

Some refugee families in France can no longer envisage returning home: at l’Œuvre d’Orient, a dedicated team supports them in their social integration, notably through French lessons.


400 religious communities supported

23 countries

70 volunteers on missions

1 250 projects per year

70 000 donors


Despite the war, children continue to come and make progress every day. This is the only centre which has continued to open its doors. It is a sign of peace and a vehicle to reconciliation between families. Thank you for your help which allows us to stay in this city and continue our mission

Sister Samia, Sœur des Saints Cœurs, Centre Le Sénevé – Homs, Syria


L’Œuvre d’Orient provides sustainable and concrete assistance. It also intervenes through emergency relief schemes in case of conflicts.




More than 400 institutions now benefit from the support of l’Œuvre d’Orient for the schooling of poor children, reconstruction of buildings, purchase of school supplies, paying for educators and teachers … It also supports professional training which favours community life in these countries of multiple identities.



Medical care and social help

L’Œuvre d’Orient funds medical care for 3 million patients in its dispensaries, hospitals, institutions for disabled or elderly people.



Action in communities

Along with training for members of religious orders and lay ministers, l’Œuvre d’Orient allows priests and congregations to pursue their daily missions serving populations by providing their welfare support.



Culture and heritage

L’Œuvre d’Orient acts in favour of the heritage of Eastern Christianity by protecting it on site and making it known in France. It bears witness to the deep-rootedness and legitimacy of Christians in Eastern societies.

Thanks to your donations, we are able to support 1250 projects…


ROMANIA: assistance with the schooling of autistic children in Oradea.

1,500 €/child

SYRIA: repairing and equipping the Saint Louis de Damas Hospital.

10,000 €/month

IRAQ: restoring houses damaged by IS.

3,500 €/house

ETHIOPIA: providing for the needs of the small Alitena seminary.

6,000 €/year


We work closely with with bishops, priests and religious community leaders on a daily basis on the ground to respond to the needs of the population.

An efficient organisation


L’Œuvre d’Orient is an association governed by the 1901 Act. A Church charity, it is under the patronage of the Archbishop of Paris. It is currently chaired by vice-admiral (rtd) Pierre Sabatié-Garat and Mgr Pascal Gollnisch is its Managing Director.

The association employs 22 salaried staff and is supported by a network of 200 committed volunteers in all dioceses in France.

Every year, dozens of volunteers go out into the community to work alongside Eastern Christians.



Help the Eastern Christians and benefit from tax advantages, according to the legislation in force in your country. Agreements exist between European countries for tax deductions.


L’Œuvre d’Orient has been awarded the trusted donation label: “Respect for the donor, transparency, efficiency, probity and selflessness”.


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