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Eastern Christians /
Congregations supported
Congregations supported
L’Œuvre d’Orient supports the work of bishops, priests, and above all religious communities in the field. It must justify the use of its funds.
In total, we provide support for the work of more than 60 religious communities:
- Augustinians of the Assumption
- Basilian Aleppians, Chouerites, Salvatorians
- Benedictines
- Capucines
- Carmels
- Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists)
- Dominicans
- Franciscans
- Brothers of the Eucharist
- Brothers of the Christian Schools
- Brothers of the poor
- Marist Brothers
- Jesuits
- Missionaries of Africa (white fathers)
- Maronite Lebanese missionaries
- Missionaries of St Paul
- Maronite Antonin order
- Maronite Lebanese order
- Salesians
- Carmelites
- The order of poor ladies
- The Sisters of the Company of Mary, Our Lady
- Our Lady of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem
- Dominican Sisters of Presentation
- Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena
- Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco
- Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrows (Saint Frai)
- Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Franciscan Sisters of the Cross of Lebanon
- Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (Calais)
- Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
- Franciscan Missionaries of Saint Elisabeth
- Franciscan Sisters of Saint Mary of the Angels
- Hortus conclusus sisters (Bethlehem)
- Assumption Oblate Sisters
- Little Sisters of Jesus
- Little Sisters of the Poor
- Egyptian Sisters of the Sacred Heart
- Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
- Sisters of the Mother of God
- Sisters of Nazareth
- Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of Lyon
- Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Religious teachers Filippini (Eritrea and Ethiopia)
- Sisters of Charity of St Capitano and Gerosa (Maria Bambina)
- Antonine Maronite Sisters
- Basilian Aleppian, Chouerite, Salvatorian sisters
- Comboni Sisters
- Coptic sisters of Jesus and Mary
- Sisters of Charity of Besançon
- Sisters of the Eucharist
- Sisters of our Lady of good Service
- Dominican Missionary Sisters of Delivrande
- Sisters of the Holy Cross
- Sisters of the Holy Family of Villefranche
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition
- Sisters of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd
- Sisters of the Rosary
- Maronite sisters of St John the Baptist
- Maronite sisters of the Holy Family
- Maronite sisters of St Teresa
- Missionary sisters of Charity (Mother Teresa)
- Maronite Missionary Sisters of the Very Holy Sacrament
- Missionary Sisters of our Lady of the Apostles
This list is not exhaustive