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Accueil / Legal Notices

Legal Notices


1 – General presentation

You are currently connected to the website, published by l’Œuvre d’Orient, a French association entirely dedicated to helping Eastern Christians for more than 160 years.

Publishing director: Pierre Sabatié-Garat, President of the association
Headquarters of the association: 20, rue du Regard — 75278 Paris cedex 06
Host: OVH
The publisher agrees to comply with all laws concerning the establishment and activity of a website.


2 – Technical informations

It is reminded that the secrecy of a correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and that it is up to each Internet user to take all the appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software from the possible viruses circulating on the Internet.


3 – Personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Article 12 and subsequents of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679 – 27 April 2016), you have the right to access your data and rectification from our association as wel as the right to data portability. You also have the right to object to the transfer and storage of your data by the association. Your mailing address may be exchanged with certain organizations in the charitable sector. If you’re opposed to this, you can send us a mail at the following address:


4 – Hyperlinks

Implementing a hyperlink pointing to a content of the website is subject to the written agreement of the webmaster. L’Œuvre d’Orient disclaims any responsability for any hyperlinks that may have been created on its website, without its prior agreements


5 – Copyright

Any reproduction or representation, total or partial, of the pages, data images and any other element of the webstie, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without the authorization of the publisher, an infringement.


6 – Credits

L’Œuvre d’Orient’s website was designed and produceb by Agence Progressif Media, in 2018. / +33 (0) 6 37 83 47 16

15 Rue du Parc de Montsouris, 75014 Paris