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L’Œuvre d’Orient’s prayer

Under your protection, Holy Mother of God,

the Christians of the East have always found refuge.

Bring together Christians of the East and West in the love of your son

So that the unity of the churches resembles that of the Holy Trinity of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Give them courage in hardship, patience in persecution, and hope in conflict.

Oh, true daughter of Abraham, help the faithful of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions treat each other as brothers and sisters of the same Father.

May they seek peace in this land where the Prince of Peace was born.

In loyalty to the Church and its mission, inspire gratitude to our Western brothers towards their Eastern brothers, and to all, the charity that keeps alive and makes us believe in the salvation the Fathers offers to all men

Oh Virgin, full of grace and virtue, pray for us.


  • L’Œuvre d’Orient’s prayer in arabic

مسيحي فرنسا في خدمة مسيحي الشرق

 صلاة :

تحت عنايتك أيتُها الأم القديسة والدة الإله،

نضعُ مسيحي كنائس الشرق الأوسط الذين وجدوا فيك ملجأ دائماً.

اجمعِ مسيحي الشرق والغرب بحب ابنك عندها تجتمعُ وحدة الكنائس

 على مثال وحدة الثالوث الأقدس: الاب والابن والروح القدس.

أعطهم الشجاعة في ساعة التجربة، الصبر ساعة الاضطهاد، الرجاء وقت المحن.

أنت ابنة ابراهيم الحقيقية اجعلي من هذه الأديان الثلاثة : اليهوديّة، والمسيحيّة، الإسلامية،

أن يعيشوا ويحيوا بأخوة كأولاد وبنات لأب واحد،

 ساعين إلى تحقيق السلام على هذه الأرض إلى أن يظهر ملك السلام.

أعطي أبناء هذا الغرب روح المجانية تجاه إخوتهم في الشرق بالأمانة للكنيسة ورسالتها،

والمحبة التي تحيي والإيمان بالخلاص الذي قدمه الآب لجميع البشر.

أيتها العذراء: امنحينا هذه النعمة والبركة وتشفعي بنا دائما.


  • Prayer to Marie

By Father Pascal Gollnisch, Director General of l’Œuvre d’Orient

Oh Mary,

Lady of Galilee,

You who lived in the East,

You who gave birth to and nourished the son of God

You who prepared, worked, suffered, and wept on this land,

You who rejoiced, who is recognised as Blessed through the ages,

We entrust you the women of the Near and Middle East,

The children and the young girls,

Married or isolated women,

Elderly women,

May they experience your faith and courage

May they be a sign for their people

Of the tenderness of God, architect of peace and communion

May they dress the wounds of this land

That is bleeding and that You so loved.




Father Pascal Gollnisch

Director General of l’Œuvre d’Orient

Prayer that was featured in French in Prier magazine




  • Prayer to the Holy Spirit, by Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified Baouardy


Holy Spirit, inspire me.

Love of God, consume me.

On the true path, lead me.

Mary, my Mother, look upon me,

With Jesus, bless me.

From all evil, from all illusion,

From all danger, preserve me.

Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified Baouardy