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Accueil / About Us / Our Accounts

Our Accounts

L’Œuvre d’Orient is supported by 79,300 donors.

To consult online :

Don en confiance


logo don en confiance


L’Œuvre d’Orient is a “Don en confiance” (Giving with confidence) -accredited association that guarantees respect for donors, transparency, efficiency, integrity, and impartiality.

The “Don en confiancecharter committee is an organisation that certifies and inspects associations and foundations that rely on public donations. Its aim is to promote legal compliance, impartial and rigorous management, good quality communication and fund raising, and financial transparency. This committee regularly inspects the association’s accounts, thereby ensuring its transparency, and has awarded l’Œuvre d’Orient the “Don en confiance” label.



Enjoy tax breaks by supporting Eastern Christians

If you pay income tax in France, 66% of your donation is tax-deductible within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.


A €100 donation therefore only costs you €34.


The foundation is authorised to receive donations that are deductible from the IFI (impôt sur la fortune immobilière – property fortune tax).