- A few numbers
- 2 000 000 Chrétiens
- 50 % de chrétiens
- 6 Communautés aidées
- 167,691€ Montant de l'aide versée par l’Œuvre d’Orient
- Population: 7,166,803 inhabitants
- Official languages: Tigrinya, Arabic, English
- Languages spoken: Kunama, Afar, Bilen, Saho, Nara and other Cushitic languages.
- Government type: One-party Republic (Isaias Afwerki)
Eritrea and the Eastern Christians
The principal religion of Eritrea is Sunni Islam (50 %) followed by the Orthodox religion (30 %). Catholics represent 13 % of the population.
Religious freedom is not assured in Eritrea.
L’Œuvre d’Orient’s projects in Eritrea
In Eritrea, l’Œuvre d’Orient supports schools and orphanages, and renovates churches and parish buildings.