
  • A few numbers
  • 2 000 000 Chrétiens
  • 50 % de chrétiens
  • 6 Communautés aidées
  • 167,691€ Montant de l'aide versée par l’Œuvre d’Orient
  • Population: 7,166,803 inhabitants


  • Official languages: Tigrinya, Arabic, English


  • Languages spoken: Kunama, Afar, Bilen, Saho, Nara and other Cushitic languages.


  • Government type: One-party Republic (Isaias Afwerki)



Eritrea and the Eastern Christians

The principal religion of Eritrea is Sunni Islam (50 %) followed by the Orthodox religion (30 %). Catholics represent 13 % of the population.
Religious freedom is not assured in Eritrea.


L’Œuvre d’Orient’s projects in Eritrea


In Eritrea, l’Œuvre d’Orient supports schools and orphanages, and renovates churches and parish buildings.

More information on Eritrean Christians with KTO